I have a bit of a soft spot for DKCR. It was the first Donkey Kong game I played as a kid, and my mom was also sort of a fan of it, since she really enjoyed the older Donkey Kong Countries on SNES. I tried replaying the Wii version, for old time's sake, and gave up after World 2 since I wound up hating the motion controls. Swapped over to the 3DS version, and while it was certainly more enjoyable to control, I just don't think this game is as good as I thought it was.
It's still good, obviously, but now that I can compare it to the other games, it's definitely not one I can see myself looking back at too fondly, nostalgic or not.
While maybe not as big of a deal as the gameplay, in exchange for better controls, the game looks and runs noticeably worse. Part of what I liked about Returns was the pretty environments, especially in the silhouette levels. Unfortunately, the 3DS cannot seem to do them justice.
I did, at least, like the new content added with all the extra levels in World 9, but by that point I had kinda just wanted it to be over already.

Honorable fuck-yous to 6-K in particular, decently fun game. Maybe eventually I'll play Tropical Freeze, people seem to like that one.

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2023


1 year ago

Absolute banger whea
whea you hit the front page, congrats

1 year ago