Damnit, I was really hoping I wouldn't get invested in this story by the time I finished Act 2.
This one kinda loses out on the fun "fuck around and find out" aspect (teehee) of the first act. While the first game would give you little unique quips on whatever you felt like doing, Act 2 has a lot less of that, opting for a single message under a lot of scenarios (a good amount of which don't end up working quite right.)
Despite this, I think I enjoyed Act 2 just a bit more than the previous one. What it lacks in various quirky dialogues, it makes up for in one, being longer than 2 hours, and two, introducing a ton more characters, all of which were fun to talk to and experience. Definitely has me excited for Friendsim more than anything lmao

What I will not forgive, though, is the godforsaken Jade/Tealblood car. Quite honestly the most mind-numbingly drawn out Ace Attorney reference I've ever had to go through, and they chose the absolute worst possible group to do it with. 6/10 game, Act 3 never.

Reviewed on Jul 07, 2023
