This isn't a videogame. It's a thoroughly ethereal experience that can never be replicated by human hands. From the moment the widely sized ape starts extending its arms as it glides through the most beautiful, intricately crafted landscapes, Flying Gorilla immerses you on the most breath-takingly magnificent aerial journey that games like The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Portal 2 could only dream of accomplishing. This mastercraft makes you feel everything; the satisfaction of collecting every single bunch of bananas that await for your grasp in the skies, the mental exercise as you guide the giant baboon away from the carefully placed obstacles, and the sheer euphoria of finally crossing the finish line after every stage; not to mention the sweeping score, composed of the heavenliest sounds ever bestowed to humanity. A more seminal work of art has never, can never, and will never be gifted to us by anyone other than the very gods.

May the lord and savior Flying Gorilla bless us all, for eternity and beyond 🙏

Reviewed on May 19, 2022
