So I’ve been really putting off this review. I was actually tempted to do a review of jak II instead of this but I thought I may as well get this out of the way and talk about the greatness of uncharted 4. So let me ask you something: where do you take a series that has been destined to not be taken seriously? The problem I saw with the uncharted games was that they were just conceived as a way to show off the ps3’s flair and nothing more. Even with the next 2 instalments pushing the series, I never felt as though it was being taken seriously which was a shame. Even the golden abyss felt like they made it for the sake of making it (I’m coining this as the daxter effect). I hadn’t really massively been impacted by these games other then maybe the the second game, but even then it felt as though it was missing something. When I saw the reveal trailer for 4 I didn’t have the greatest of hope. Sure, it looked great and I couldn’t wait to play it, but a part of me was worried it would end up being just like the other uncharted games. But man, was I glad that was my mind going absolutely crazy for no reason.

The story is the best one in the series by far. It turns out that Nathan had a brother: Sam, who he had assumed was dead. When he returns however, it’s not as great as he first thinks. Nate and Sam are forced to find the treasure of the legendary pirate Henry Avery to repay sam’s debt. On the way they are forced to face personal problems alongside one of the best villains in the series. Rafe is probably my favourite villain because of how he is built up as a character. He is shown to be a spoilt yet powerful man who wants everything he desires. He’s a villain who is clearly built up with a good backstory and faults. He’s a contrast to previous villains who didn’t have that strong of a backstory and they were characters I didn’t really care about that much. The characters from previous games also feel at their best here. Sully returns and is as great as ever. Elena feels really important and is a vital piece of the story. And for Nate, it feels like the perfect end to his story.

The gameplay is also the best it has ever been. The gunplay is excellent and is a major improvement from what it was in 3. The puzzles are excellently put together. And the movement, oh my god the movement. To say Nate is getting old, he is probably at his most athletic here. There are new things Nate is able to do, such as using his grappling hook for more traversal and the combat also feels a lot easier and greater. Climbing is also excellent and feels really cool to experiment with. Another part I want to quickly mention is how it’s gone for a more nonlinear style. This isn’t that expanded upon but it feels nice in some areas. There are also quite a few treasures that you can find which adds that replay ability.

To call uncharted 4 an improvement would be an understatement. It’s not only an improvement, it’s a major step up. And the sad thing is that the step up came too late. I’m glad we got a really good game but I feel as tho the systems and ideas it presented could’ve made even better uncharted games. We would get the lost legacy but it felt more like dlc then it did a full game. But if I was to call uncharted 4 anything, I would call it a perfect game for its series.

Best one, perfect story, great gameplay, better gunplay and puzzles, Nate is not a gamer

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2023
