I am extraordinarily conflicted with this game. Maybe more than I have been with any other piece of media, ever. I absolutely love the environments, enemies, the ecosystem, the visuals, the vibe, the characters, the complex enemy ai, and the absolute beauty of everything the devs have created. But it pisses me off so much. I have never really procrastinated playing a game until this one. The difficulty in figuring out what i need to do (i have no clue) and navigation of the world without dying just pisses me off so much. I have little to no direction, and I feel like I am going in circles, particularly after spending like 5 hours in one area that I don't know how I got into and do not know how to get out of. Also, the stupid Karma system... Do not even get me started. I do not want to have to systematically hibernate 4 times to be able to move onto another area. That does not enhance my experience, even in the slightest. It just wastes my time and frustrates me. I do not have a problem with how hard it is to survive in the world. I like how punishing the world is, and how hard the enemies are to survive against. I want a challenge in that regard. It helps to me feel immersed and it enhances my experience. But the nature of the layout of the world, and the fucking karma system just piss me off. I am shelving the game for right now, and will certainly come back in the future. I may come back and decide I want to keep playing on the default difficulty and just do my best to make it through despite the elements I do not like, or I may even play on the easiest difficulty so I don't have to deal with the aspects that directly degrade my experience. I want to love this game so bad, but cannot with my current experience.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2024
