After falling in love with the Bravely games on 3DS, this has unfortunately been a disappointing experience overall.
The charm of the 3DS games has been completely lost on this one, with very little story hooks or character to suck the player into it's world. Not only that, so much of the qol stuff that the 3DS games had has been dropped in this title, further driving home a frustrating and bland experience

The difficulty also seems to be incredibly unbalanced in a way that it feels like your constantly hitting walls and grinding. When you do eventually get a flow going and are able to progress, the game is fun. There's the smallest glimpse of the magic that made the series special but it is unfortunately short lived.

Props to Revo for the soundtrack though, it is nice hearing their music in Bravely again and I have so much appreciation for the localisation team using different accents to make each area feel distinct (always love hearing Scottish accents)

It's hard to recommend this to anyone but Bravely fans that are craving more of the series. It is an extremely mixed experience that unfortunately fails to meet the high standards that had been set by the 3DS games

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2021
