Birthright is one of the simpler and more breezy Fire Emblem experiences and I think that's ok.
Fates as a whole introduced and changed many things to the FE experience. Weapon being unbreakable and having various effects and debuffs, skills being even more important with reclassing allowing access to different ones, and pair up being rebalanced and available for enemy units to use means there is a lot to learn and master in Fates and it's Birthright that offers a place to experiment with things and learn the mechanics with little frustration or punishment for your curiosity.
Nearly all of Birthright's maps are rout/kill the boss and with unlimited exp skirmish maps too Birthright is the perfect place to experiment with Fates unique mechanics. The enemies aren't as skill heavy or challenging and it gives you just enough of a taste of everything that this is the best place to play with the Fates toolbox. What you learn here can then be taken over to Conquest to help make that game less of a frustrating experience.

I can also say that as someone who doesn't like messing about with skills and reclassing and pair up, Birthright can still offer me an engaging experience despite being somewhat easy. I was still caught off guard at times and playing my way still made this a fun experience for me. I do completely understand that for players with a better understanding of mechanics than me and that are used to playing on harder difficulties that Birthright is probably a dull and boring experience. For me though, there's still plenty to love and I personally enjoy the game.

Storywise Birthright is a pretty standard FE affair of stop the evil person invading other kingdoms but it does add it's own flair to the story. Hosido being an Eastern inspired country means the units you use have designs and weapons that stand out from the rest of the series. Iago is free to be the nasty piece of work he is and ham things up and the Norhian siblings falling apart after losing Corrin to Hosido is handled really well, with Xander in particular being a standout.

Despite its simplicity, there is a lot to love about Birthright and if you can appreciate it on its own merits then there's a really fun game here that often gets overlooked when Fates is talked about

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2021
