Yet another Nintendo published sports game on Switch that gets the core gameplay right but only offers a bare bones experience with the promise of free updates later

Each of the sports play really well, capturing the motion fun of the original Wii Sports but there's like no extra modes to them at all. Bowling has a challenge mode and Football has a mode that uses the leg strap but that's it. There's little incentive to play the game solo at all offline

Online though, it's pretty good. There's new costumes and items to unlock every week and ranks to climb in every sport to give you an incentive to keep playing.
Playing online with friends is neat but for some reason Tennis will not let you play doubles with 4 people on 4 different Switch consoles online, noooooo you have to have your doubles partner on the same console because yeah that makes sense. Volleyball doesn't though despite being the exact same set up???

Anyways, the core experience is fine but it's let down by a lack of options and content in a very similar way that Mario Tennis and Golf were unfortunately

Reviewed on May 15, 2022
