It's pretty obvious that this is a downgrade compared to Chapter One but can you really blame them when they had 1 year to make it during the Ukrainian war well I can't because I am not a douchebag and it's pretty praiseworthy what they managed to pull off.
Don't really like some of the story changes like The Awakened being the first big case of the detective couple and being directly tied with the ending of Chapter One but the overall story is still intact and the changes don't bother me that much. The only change that I really dislike is the removal of Moriarty and his destiny after the The Final Problem but this being like the continuation of the origin story I can understand the removal.
The greatest addition of the remake was the Cthulhu inspired visions and puzzles that forced you to think outside the box to solve the puzzles but there were to few across the whole playthrough (I think there were 3-4 such visions).
Some of the old puzzles were removed as far as I remember but the new formula of puzzles were a nice inclusion (I don't think it's fair to complain that some clues were not so obviously hidden but I think this is a sight/skill issue). I will not say anything about the "final boss puzzle".
All in all, I guess this is a pretty standard Sherlock Frogwares game that can be played by the fans but somehow I feel that the magic of the original was lost in the translation. Maybe we'll see a strong comeback after the war with a remake of Sherlock Holmes Versus Arsène Lupin or Versus Jack the Ripper in the future .

Reviewed on May 13, 2023
