I was so happy to finally get to play a proper version of this game after so many years. The original III was the best in the Famicom trilogy, but it was still jank enough that it warranted official revisitation.... that it never got. The only times it even came to the west was from an english rom hack and a half baked DS remake. When these pixel remasters came out, this is the one I was most excited about, because it deserved its due.
And it was well worth the wait! Like the other pixel remasters, this is largely 1-1 with the originals, with plenty of modern quality of life improvements. This is a stellar game. The world, the plot, the characters, and everything else are well fleshed out. Its the only Famicom game that ever surprised me, and I never expected to cry. This is definitely one of my favorites, and the upcoming release for consoles has got me excited!!

Reviewed on Sep 10, 2022
