CNs for Vampire Survivors: cartoon blood and animal violence

A witty little reduction of classic action games where all you need to do is stand in the right place and hit the hit button at the right time, only they've taken out the hit button. It's really fun fighting for your life as you figure out how builds work and save up for upgrades and then it's just as fun negotiating your loadout to press forward uninterrupted. The way this game actually has explicit levels is really lovely and seems to fall to the side when this game is discussed. I maxed out my positive upgraded, unlocked all the characters and then put this one aside. Vampire Survivors has really charitable solutions to leaving a trail to secrets but it's just not my thing! I think the builds being very open-ended is good fun, but it also ends up making the game a very unspecific classic-vania homage toy. Interested in seeing where this genre goes in the next five years but will probably be checking out while it's in the cash in copy phase.

Reviewed on Jan 02, 2023
