god i wish i could write something more formative about this, but like,, just.. everything is so perfect :(

i've never felt more appreciated by a developer for being a fan of a series than i was when playing this game, fanservice can be hit or miss a lot of times and i know a lot of people hate it when devs seemingly try to make you point at your screen by making a reference and a lot of the time i do as well, but holy shit it was just so perfect here. everything from small references to older games, to fight callbacks, to long dead locations being used again, to seemingly forgotten side characters showing up after so many games, and of course to huge plot lines finally(!!!) being covered after years of nothing, just, aaaaaaa it was so satisfying

since i dont think i have the right words for all i want to say about this, i think the most important thing over anything i could possibly say is how well they treat kiryu, a character who’s so incredibly important to so so so many people, a character a lot of people look up to & a character who often puts on a guise despite dealing with so fucking much, i can only speak for myself but the moments where kiryu breaks that guise and shows his tender side are always my favorites, and now i have this, which is 10-20 hours of kiryu showing that side of himself, but even though the whole game had that softer version of kiryu that i love & adore at the front of it, the last 20 minutes or so was the peak of that & was the most satisfying and heart wrenching moment i’ve ever experienced in media. sitting at my monitor at 4am crying into my shirt using all the strength that i have to not start wailing, failing that, & crying until my eyes were dry is something i don't think i'll experience again for a really long time, and is something i don’t think ill ever forget, even writing this days after finishing the game, i still tear up when i think of the finale, and that's something really rare & special to me

i can't express how happy i am through just a review that this series is still in such good hands, made by people who still very much care about these characters and this story that means so much to so many people. thank you rgg

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2023


6 months ago

they cooked

6 months ago

Hard Agree with you 😢 That last part was amazing

6 months ago

ohhh reading your review makes me spend all my money i don't have on this game😭😭 can't wait to experience this all by myself