not everyone's cup of tea, but personally i really enjoyed it. loved rebecca from when i played re1r, so seeing her as the main character in a game as well is nice! i like the dynamic between her and billy as the story progresses, and i love how the game shows that she's genuinely just a good-hearted person.

when it comes to the actual gameplay, that's usually where we start losing people, and while i've grown used to how the game works by now, there's no denying that it's definitely flawed in aspects. my main criticisms are:
- no item box, thus forcing you to leave a lot of items pooling on the floor (and the rooms have limits to how many items can be placed in them).
- hard-hitting and pretty annoying enemies if you don't know how to fight them (and even if you do, there's a chance you might get stunlocked).
- the bat boss. possibly one of the worst made bosses in all of resident evil if i were to say from memory.
- the hookshot. the game does not tell you when to discard it and it takes up two of your very limited inventory slots.

a lot of the game becomes much less frustrating once you've already played through it once; knowing what enemies can be avoided, enemy weaknesses, the general route, which character to take where, etc. makes the game so much easier.

if you are a completionist like me and like to 100% re games, this one is honestly fairly easy compared to the others as long as you have patience; definitely would not recommend doing this one however if you're not that big a fan of the franchise.

100% Completion: 11/02/2023 (DD/MM/YY)

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2024
