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i've played this game like 3 times. idk when i actually finished it, so my finish/start date is my latest playthru on PC (when i 100%ed)
what i loved about bugsnax + my memories:
- i bought this game twice, so it must be good!
- i love all the characters and the silly dialogue. i especially enjoyed making theories about this game, especially before the bigsnax dlc because while a lot of information is given, there's a lot to be left up to interpretation, or even searching outside the game (like information given out with psychical copies!)
- all my friends love this game and that makes me happy. also i have bunger plush
- i enjoy all the puzzles and that many bugs have many different ways of being caught.
- i love to scan things and read the flavor text, especially comments by the grumpuses
- i watched holly hollowtones play this game before i bought it (and you should watch her too) and i have many fond memories of my love for this game growing for that. i think i cried at the end, when you all wash up on the beach when returning home
- i love extra details that the dlc added that helped the story feel better when concluded, such as the extra photos of liz+egg in the credits, and the post-credits scene with alegander
- i love the triplicate space and its characters the most of all AND I WANT MORE OF THEM IN A FUTURE GAME. i especially loved to theorize about the lore of snaktooth, even before the dlc dropped as i knew the triplicate space existed before it became what it is now

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
