This is one of those games where, just from the look of it, you have a pretty good idea of what it is and who it's aimed at. Which is fine! I kinda just bought this game on a whim because I saw a streamer play it, but it surprised me by going beyond what I had been expecting.

To get the negatives out of the way: the optimization is pretty poor. I saw in both the trailers and in several streams/VODs that it's capable of 60 FPS, but I was never able to reach that, always 30 or less, so my play sessions have always been janky. Probably a hardware issue on my end, but there aren't many settings to reduce quality or texture detail, so it would've been nice to include those.

Now for the positives. I was expecting "Slenderman but Sexy" and that's pretty much what I got: you run through different rooms to collect notes and avoid the spooky lady chasing you. But what I didn't expect was the volume of content that comes after that. There are a total of five games modes, with the most engaging one post-story being the Point Collecting game. Here, you grab pearls and avoid the Siren, but as you progress, the pearls become more valuable and the Siren becomes more dangerous, making a simple but effective and engaging risk vs. reward gameplay. Points can be spent on special perks, but you'll most likely spend them on buying new outfits to customize the Siren. And there are a whole lot of outfits to choose from!

In the end, the gameplay does get repetitive if you pay for too long at once, but for its price, it's got a solid amount of content and is a simple and fun time-killer to pick up every now and then, with incentive to go for unlocks you didn't get before.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2024
