I recently beat this with a friend of mine who got it on GWG. I thought it was too basic for what it was, found the collectibles hard to miss, the the puzzles serviceable, and the platforming not great. While the story was captivating, it was told in a way that made it unbound to the gameplay. I wished it would've taken a page out of something like INSIDE or Unravel and use the environments and atmosphere to tell the story, rather than rely on cutscenes. Speaking of the atmosphere, I felt it was kind of bland. It was either a solid snow or ice background, and that was it. Not a lot of variety either. The presentation was god awful. Plus the graphics looked off with how the characters looked comparatively.

However, I enjoyed the documentaries and I thought having them as collectibles was genius. The characters having entirely different movesets that change as you progress through the game was not only unique, but insanely fun, and ups the replayability. Despite its numerous flaws, I still enjoyed this. I definitely don't regret playing it and I hope the studio can learn from this game and make something even better gameplay-wise, while keeping the same inspiration and passion from Never Alone.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2023
