As much as I don't like 2hu I fw my queen Sakuya HEAVY in this game. Most balanced and savory mechanic ass metro-whatever-the-fuck-its-called. The timestops, slowdowns, dashes and stuff were gas. The NG+ Was for sure worth it. The entire game was worth it, didn't require lazer focus and it was perfectly smooth and encapsulating to play during a school day. The boss fights were creative as hell and the power up system was balanced and fair. After finishing it, I kept coming back because with the power of save edditing, abillities I loved became boundless. I was there with an infinite time stop and max MP spamming knife throws like a hoe. Knives with abillities were a huge addon with the masterful time altering mechanics. The basic stun knife held my game together so hard, swatting shit ass faries out the air with chainsaws was also something else. Huge props to the dev, more people should play.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023
