This game is just phenomenal. It doesn’t matter if you played FES, Portable, or Reload, you will have the best experience ever. Persona 3 has the best social links, combat, main cast, and story of any Persona game to date. Reload enhances almost everything and makes the combat incredibly fun. Music in Reload is arguably BETTER than the original and even Lotus Juice makes a return. Incredible game.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2024


2 months ago

The remixes are horrible what are you talking about

2 months ago

@SevenForce I feel like calling the remixes horrible is a bit of a stretch in my opinion. There are original songs from FES that I prefer over Reload (Memories of You, Burn Your Dread) but there are some in Reload that I prefer over FES (Mass Destruction, When the Moon's Reaching Out Stars). I feel like it just comes down to personal opinion when talking about Reload's OST.

2 months ago

@wyt we're talking about art so everything comes down to opinion, but just like any other opinion there's usually a community consensus that forms based on commonly held judgments about the quality of a piece of art. Not to say that the popular opinion is always right, just that there is some relative objectivity to be found within mostly subjective matters. Well reasoned arguments can help reveal quality. These arguments can be made for music as well, it just requires at least some understanding of music and some knowledge of music terminology

Even accounting for different tastes I think it's possible to pinpoint aspects where the Reload remixes a clear downgrade