Who at BGS was so generous to suggest that barren, empty planets with some trees and bugs to scan would be a great idea. For starters, the world just doesn't feel alive. It's sterile and unintresting with stiff dialogue, slow dialogue pace, and a lack of real stakes. They somehow managed to make space freaking BORING, and there is no actual space by the way, just a sandbox for spaceship fights and fast travel. I was really intrested in this title as my next game after BG3, i even bought an Xbox just to play this but i had to uninstall about halfway through. Also not planning on finishing it anytime soon until BGS completes it, but i guess why do that when modders will do it for you for free?


Reviewed on Sep 06, 2023


9 months ago

Hey xQc can you play Smarty Pants (2007) (Wii) on stream please thanks

9 months ago

16 times the emptiness!