Solid spiritual sequel to Rabi-Ribi. Interesting gameplay mechanic additions and the exploration aspect is more fleshed out. Difficulty seems a bit lower. Boss fights are excellent but unlike Rabi-Ribi this doesn't feel like a bossrush game, for better or worse. It's more of a balanced metroidvania game. Movement mechanics are more gated behind progress and basically all mechanics are tutorialized instead of being left to player discovery.

TEVI still suffers from having to unlock higher difficulty modes over multiple playthroughs and repeat the same metroidvania collectathon between them. Personally annoying since I mainly want to see the boss fights on Infernal, not hunt through hundreds of rooms for items again.
I prefer the more linear stage design introduced in the Rabi-Ribi DLC (TEVI has linear & boss rush sections near the endgame, these feel similar) and would be more keen to replay such a game across different modes.
In TEVI even though the exploration & secret hunting are improved: if they're not the games strongest point is it really worth expanding to be a bigger part of the game? (eg. exploration taking up more hours between every combat & boss section). Same goes for the story being more of a focus, but I don't really mind.

For presentation I found the music to be great much like Rabi-Ribi. In-combat visuals are nice and it's generally clear to see what's going on, combining well with the snappy controls. That is apart from a screen shake effect introduced during a couple specific boss attacks that just makes it hard to see what's happening.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
