After seeing that this game was on Backloggd, I booted it up and ran through it again without any mods since it's been FOREVER since I've played SRB2 vanilla.
Honestly, it still holds up quite a bit!
This is exactly what I'd expect out of a 3D Sonic game if it were made in the era before Adventure came out.
Each level is wonderfully huge and varied with an extreme amount of freedom in how you traverse them.
I only played as Sonic in my most recent playthrough, but with the added verticality of Tails or Knuckles, I'm sure finding all the hidden secrets and emblems is as rewarding as speedrunning is with Sonic.

It's extremely refreshing to play a tight, curated campaign with little to no annoying ass gimmicks to contend with.
Just a really solid video game ass video game.
Apparently they're not even done with it, too? I recall there's still a few extra zones and a retooled final boss the devs wanted to implement, so I'm sure it'll only get better from here.

Reviewed on Nov 21, 2023
