Once the initial adrenaline rush of the idea of "Pokemon Go but dinosaurs" wears off you delete the game and just go outside without needing to check your phone for Velociraptors.

During loading screens, the occasional message that went something like: "Don't let video games take time away from your friends and family :)" would come up and that was genuinely life-changing to read. No large company would ever do that today.

The greatest racing game where Mario isn't a playable character

If you somehow manage to open the app without it crashing, you have one of two options. Play against the remaining few who have their life savings on the game, or play against the extremely unfair and infuriating AI with your garbage decks. Maybe if it were easier to get new heroes or stronger cards it would be more manageable, but EA monetized this game solely through microtransactions and abandoned it when the cash stopped flowing (probably because they stopped updating it but what do I know). If you do decide to pay cash for their abysmal packs, you will get garbage while both AI's and the remaining playerbase are absolutely stacked. It has been reduced to an unfun wasteland demolished by EA's greed and poor management of the game itself.

Endless fun til you're bored of the format or the endless barrage of ads and looming sense that you'll never be able to acquire any of the coolest plants or beat the hardest levels catches up to you. EA destroyed this franchise that I loved so much, and you definitely contributed to my lifelong anti-capitalist arc. I can't even open the damn app consistently anymore.

It used to be so hype to get your favorite YouTuber as a grotesquely muscular and uncanny humanoid monster.

I really did not understand the implications to breeding dragons at the age I played this.

Whooped 10-yr old me's ass

I played this more than crossy road and that's sayin something.

The most fun game to play in an arcade as the nostalgia from 2014 is directly injected into the brain of the player.

Baby's first horror game

Playing this hacked was the most fun I've had in my entire life until I glitched it and it reset me then it was the most miserable I've been in my entire life.