I am really torn on this tbh. people on this website love to dunk on rereleases because they have a different artstyle or change a character they really like or overcorrect something that made the original special to them. To be fair, there's a million shitty hd rereleases that are just more broken versions of the originals. Bluepoint ain't like that tho. To my knowledge, every bluepoint rerelease is done with the original source code which sidesteps a lot of the jank that other rereleases end up with. Their work on mgs 2 and 3 HD is absolutely superb in terms of accuracy and polish. This is the first instance of bluepoint creating completely new assets for a rerelease. My usual complaints with remasters fundamentally changing how the game plays go out the window but the visuals were such an integral part of the original. On their own, I don't think the new assets look bad, but they don't really look better than the originals. This rerelease becomes even more trivial when you consider that bluepoint ALREADY made a rerelease for the ps3 which uses most of the original assets.
TL;DR play the original or the ps3 version

Reviewed on Dec 02, 2021
