The movement mechanics are amazing, and worth playing the game for alone.

That being said, it's open ended to a fault because a fair bit of the time you feel like you shouldn't be in a certain area yet, bosses have the worst curve ever which leaves combat feeling one dimensional. There being only six main weapons is a blessing and a curse because a fair bit of them add some interesting movement with their acquisition while the other half feel redundant and almost like they serve no purpose.

The game on the whole is well worth a playthrough though, and the issues feel a lot more personal. I don't play many metroidvanias but the only thing that really pushed me along were the movement mechanics, and even then I felt like I wasn't challenged nearly enough. The more interesting mechanics felt shallow (namely the back half of the game) so it's hard to recommend unless you're really willing to sit down and learn the game but if you choose to it's damned rewarding

Reviewed on May 20, 2023
