At its core, Homefront is a pretty bang average military shooter. It does have a couple of neat scenes and sections going for it that can help break up some of the monotony of the mediocre shooting, and the concept is at least somewhat interesting relative to other military shooters. That said, a lot of small faults make it really annoying to play. Friendlies constantly body-block you which can make for aggravating deaths, often times you're railroaded into following behind your friendlies which means standing still for a minute while they catch up with you and open a door or climb a ladder, there's a couple of occasions where you'll suddenly get hit with an RPG out of the blue and have no real time to react, enemies will frequently have higher ground while you're put in an awful position, small things but they all compound to make for a bit of a chore gameplay wise. The characters are also all pretty annoying, there isn't a single one I was particularly fond of and they also repeat voice lines A LOT if you don't immediately do an objective. Not something I see myself playing again, but the gunplay is at least tolerable and the latter half of the game is a bit more fun than the former. If you're keen on military shooters, it might be up your alley, but if you're looking for an especially good tactical FPS game, I would look elsewhere.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
