is this really inspired by blood, because it feels like it plagiarizes its aesthetics and not much more. blood has a very fresh and unique arsenal: flare gun, vodoo doll, spray can that works as flamethrower, tesla cannon... cultic has an arsenal of bullet weapons: pistol, rifle, shotgun, rifle again... and it lacks just as much in enemy variety. cultists in this game are easy fodder and again come off as a low quality imitation of blood's iconic enemies; the pistol ones may shoot you from afar if you initiate but it's still quite different. other than that there's a few bulkier sponges acting as bosses or minibosses and not much more. level design interchanges between corridors and open field areas, but excels at neither.

also it looks like shit, worse than the games that influenced it. not because pixel graphics but because it's just a superficial attempt to copy their overall look, unlike the old games themselves where people were trying to make it look as good as possible against the hardware limitations.

melee plays like shit too, there's no fun in throwing hatches with how little damage they do. throwing dynamite is again just another reminder i wish i were playing the game that does it better. and what the fuck do you need a dash for lol

just play dusk if you want something actually inspired that also has its own vision

Reviewed on Oct 15, 2022
