Lots of Pikmin but very small adventure.

Pikmin 3 has a lot going at the beginning for the first pikmin its about getting your ship rebuilt, pikmin 2 is paying off a debt, now 3 is about saving a planet from starvation. from one captain to two and now three its alot of fun of sending your team to other areas on the map to get your work done. when you find everything their nothing left and just end the day.

Pikmin 3 has 5 areas but they feel so small and just when you got used to the area it is shortly lived and move to the next. When you reach the end you don't even get to go back and explore the planet more.

I enjoyed the new pikmin, the few boss fights and though small the world is its still fun going through it. I just hope when Pikmin 4 comes out it will be not small but a bigger adventure.

Reviewed on Apr 17, 2022
