3 years ago, i found myself finding Yakuza 0 on steam and i thought it was a cool game to hop on especially how people praised the game to hell but it was only a year after that i geniuely found myself deep in love with this series to death, going recently now after being caught up (and that was after Gaiden) i geniuely don't know what Yakuza 8 had to offer in terms of having the honor and giving the best conclusion for the most Iconic Character ever and feel fitting for him and for the people around him.

Especially after the sudden leave of Nagoshi to the RGG, they had too much in their back to deliver that and on top of that giving a insane amount of dev time more than a usual Yakuza game and for the final one, giving probably for me the most ambitious Yakuza story. I don't even need to say that they delivered in the best way i could've imagined, the amount of care and love for the long time fans of the series who has been supporting it has never felt so reassured in more ways than another.

Of course as am i writting this, i have just beat this game an hour ago so my thought's are all over the place but my most of reviews are just as soon i beat the game and gather my thoughts and i don't think this one will be different, this is the second series that i wholeheartly so glad to be apart of this journey through the end and enjoy and talk with friends as much i did especially going through hard times i always found myself hopping on and having the thought ''Keep Moving, keep trying and figure it out. As corny that sounds and simplistic, it's the most simple way to get through the hard times in life, it's just how it is.

As Gaiden did and especially Yakuza 8, it's just gives a lot of hope to what is to come for this series or any RGG game. My trust for RGG is all the way through to support them especially for how much hardships to get through this year.

Thank you RGG.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024

1 Comment

3 months ago

Was made for us 😭🫶🏼