I've started rewatching Seinfeld recently, more specifically Season 4. I'm a pleb who's only seen seasons 8 and 9, so imagine my surprise when I find out there's a cohesive plot between the episodes and that characters from different episodes in the season show up at different intervals throughout it! Wow!

Anyways, enough of that. Yeah, it's alright. I downloaded this with the promise of Seinfeld...and yeah, it's Seinfeld. A very short experience that captures the essence of the series pretty well with multiple endings, but it's not too hard to get different endings because if you've seen the series it's pretty easy to know which dialogue options are the correct ones and which ones aren't. That being said, it's really short, but it is free, so there's no harm in trying it out.

Also, I'm genuinely surprised the rights to Seinfeld haven't been leased out to a game developer. Why isn't there a licensed Seinfeld game? It would make perfect sense, especially in the era when those kinds of games were getting pumped out at incredible rates.

Anyways go give it a shot, it's a perfectly harmless experience.

Reviewed on Dec 15, 2022
