Human beings in a mob
What's a mob to a king?
What's a king to a God?
What's a God to a non-believer
Who don't believe in anything?

Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R.R. Martin join forces and collaborate to create the video game form of Kanye and Jay-Z's Watch the Throne - a high piece of art created of excess and opulence. A video game just dripping in swagger. Oozing out of the corner of every frame is decadence squared; cubed. It's one mammoth region after another; one behemoth after another.

I took a 19 month sabbatical from Elden Ring and honestly never thought I'd properly finish it. But its insurmountable reputation is nothing but mental gymnastics. The whole game, and perhaps From Software's oeuvre, can considered an exercise in patience and humility. Every challenge can be faced. Every obstacle overcome. Sekiro in its stripped down and combat-focused nature taught this lesson the clearest. But Elden Ring teaches it too, it just decides to threaten you with shear scale.

I managed to step back months fresh and after realising what the L2 button and Ashes of War do, defeat the Godksin Duo before stomping my way through to the game's finale two showcase challenges - the optional Malenia and endgame Radagon/Elden Beast.

"Now we gon' take it to the Moon, take it to the stars
You don't know what we been through to make it this far
So many scars"

I chose Fia's Duskborn ending over Ranni' actual starry ending but nevertheless felt a humongous sense of accomplishment and relief and a twinge of sadness that after all that I'm a literal king of ashes. At least unlike Game of Thrones this was a compelling ending.

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2023
