looks a million bucks for the most part, bar a few sections. the cyberpunk setting rules. very minority report with all the washed out milky lights. general direction feels a little lacking. there are some nice things it tries to do with scripted set-pieces that mostly involve fleeing office workers but none of it really comes together in any spectacular moment.

i kept thinking watching these civilian NPCs being mowed down, with your character free to shoot any of them as well, would come back in the story but it doesn't.

brian cox is in this game for some reason. the story itself... well, i can't speak to it because i didn't pay attention to almost anything anyone said. just seemed like gibberish to me.

the gameplay is where this shines, even it seems kind of 3/4ths completed. you have the ability to hack enemies but it's never used to a really interesting effect. 99% of encounters are just waves of goons. you can hack turrets but only in a few moments does it apply. at one point you get a drone pal but it's for one section at the end. feels like movement should be prioritised more than it is because the cover system is non-existent and you have no shield powers. so you're kind of straight shooting everyone in the face and trying not to get hit too much, which when you're out in the open is hard.

i did say it shines, though and that's because the guns are wicked cool. you've got a smart gun that can shoot around obstacles, and a scoped rifle that blasts through cover. at one point you get a flamethrower and a sweet laser canon type thing. shame you can't choose your loadout and you're limited to what you can pick up off the ground. but i love the look and feel of the gunplay here. i love the hologram ammo counter. the way they moved in your guy's hand.

at the end of the day this mostly feels like a missed opportunity. a lot of swell moving pieces but a little spice and game magic kind of missing and it ultimately fails to congeal into a meaningful experience of any kind.

kind of makes me want to play cyberpunk 2077 or a deus ex game again. there should be more awesome AAA first person cyberpunk shooters.

Reviewed on Apr 24, 2021
