first half miami cop part is lame (although i do love alligators in games and a good hurricane). it's set up like some lame CBS cop drama written by someone whose dad watched miami vice maybe once and they remembered it. says nothing about policing, the politics of policing, or the war on drugs (maybe if anything it's saying shoot first and ask questions later and that the only way to arrest anyone is to throw them to the floor, perhaps the game's sole, still utterly un self aware critique of policing). it's all merely set-dressing for a second half rogue cop part set in LA that has some very pretty set decorations (the mansion in ep7 looks sick, right of a john wick movie or something) and a nice little car chase part with some exciting scripted explosions. then it becomes a literal war game for a minute and you're reminded how thin this game's premise of being a cop thing is how little even its creators cared enough about it to begin with.

also just thoroughly uncharismatic beyond all belief

Reviewed on May 15, 2021
