absolutely fine.

there's an episode of the tv show community where a character (Pierce) tries to haunt another (Troy) by trolling them with a literal Norwegian troll doll. in one scene, the show cuts from character to character making love eyes at one another, and when Troy turns his head seemingly to make love eyes, the camera pans to reveal Pierce shoving the troll doll in his face and giving him a scare just Troy fully turns his head

this game reminded me of that scene because it's practically the same scare this game uses on the player over and over and over and over again. and to the game's credit, it worked like gangbusters on me. but i am very weak to jump scares and frighten incredibly easily. the smallest, unexpected noise startles the living shit out of me. i am pranked quite often because of it. so maybe to the game's credit, it works wonders on babies like me.

i kind of wish the game took a subtler approach, perhaps taking more from its gone home influence and focusing more on exploration, and cutting the jump scares down from 500 to 5 or 10. i think it's swell that the game paralyzes me with fear at the prospect of turning the camera around.

i never played PT, so the moving geometry and constant stream of endless doors and hallways was something i thought was pretty dope, and i like the importance this game places on the act of looking (which is something that in reality would garner a reaction from another living person but often in a video game barely earns a mention (even if this game has no people in it i applaud that touch)), but maybe the scares could have been more impactful had i never been truly aware if any time i turned around or walked down a hallway/through a door i was going to be treated to a scare or not. by the end, the game had worn out it rhythm and i played it with pop music on in the background just grinding down to get to the end of the story. and the story wasn't much. it was fine. but this is where a focus on exploration could have motivated me to dig into it more instead of running full steam ahead away from any scares. i had to wikipedia most of its plot because i was too overwhelmed with scares to explore it for myself. and most of what i did glean was "abusive husband pines for dead wife" which i mean give me a break.

still pretty good overall. i am interested to play more of bloober's games, think they have real potential. i liked how walking in this game felt kind of uneven like you were really lurching from step to step.

Reviewed on Jun 08, 2021
