A year off between playing the first third and finishing the rest didn't do this game any justice. Its weird mix of hoorah US military sensationalism and goofy sci-fi jibber jabber really confounds me. I kind of understood the appeal of the first one but this just feels like one of those movies they mock on Mystery Science Theatre. And the shooting and guns are all woeful. I don't know, man. It's just so bland and unappealing to me. Some of the art in the updated anniversary edition is neat, I guess. Kinda DMT-esque.

I'd like to add this next part for me, as it is a journal entry of sorts.

I started this in October 2021 with the intent to plough through the whole series. But I met someone online while playing it, and this new friend, she slowly helped to pull me out of my depression. Subsequently, however, this game and series got smeared with the unfortunate association of ... well, all my sadness and dark thoughts. I couldn't play it without thinking of my first time meeting her, and even though that should he a happy association, my mind would drift directly to the feelings I had leading up to that (all of which were deeply negative). It inevitably took over a year for me to come to terms with the fact that I'm better off now than I was back then, that I no longer have to let the loneliness I felt then dictate my life now (and especially as my friendship grew and evolved and remains one of the more stable things in my life, that there no longer remains any doubts of losing that is a huge boost to my self-esteem).

I didn't think this was a very good game but the act of returning to and finishing it is actually one of my proudest gaming moments of 2022, as it's a mental block I didn't think I'd get over (just three months ago I was staying with my friend and crying in their living room while they went out, as I thought back on how I got from playing Halo 2 to having the road trip of my lifetime; crying because at the time of starting Halo 2 I didn't really imagine myself being alive a year from then let alone enjoying myself so much).

This is a weirdly personal game for me. A lot of heavy, unrelated emotion tied to it. Shame it sucked.

Reviewed on Dec 14, 2022
