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This is a difficult game to recommend, because it intentionally eats itself alive in its final hours. Fans of the 2013 game are treated with some juicy New Content that expands a bit on the original's magic before Ultra Deluxe reveals itself to be an elaborate prank.

Once you get the Bucket and exit the Expo, it slowly begins to dawn on you that the game has nothing interesting left to say, and almost everything else you do afterwards is recycled content. Some of this content is still funny, but none of it carries any of the interesting self-reflection the game is known for. It feels massively anticlimactic, which is largely intentional, but it can't help but feel like the game is wasting your time by literally becoming the cash grab it mocks.

Reviewed on May 18, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

correct opinion. this guy is bad at making games