I really wanted to like this game. I bought this the day of release, I even bought the collectors edition...and then quickly sold it after I beat the game. The New Order was a decent shot at a reboot and had some interesting story beats like with Blazkowicz coming to terms with the Nazi's winning the war and seeing the atrocities that they have inflicted upon the world. It had some dark moments that struck a little close to home coupled with some silly campy moments with fun action that somehow worked. New Colossus dials all of that up to 11. It goes from silly to absurd and obnoxious. The gunplay is okay and pretty similar to the first entry but the enemy spawns feel like they're never-ending and are also walking bullet sponges which drags things on for far too long. The map design of the levels also feels like they're too big for no particular reason that you'll find yourself getting lost in some spots. The graphics are impressive, it's a very good looking game and the sound design and voice acting is great. My main problem is the story, map design and overall gameplay just weren't fun or interesting for me which was a big let down as I enjoyed the New Order and Old Blood quite a lot.

Reviewed on Jun 22, 2023
