The weapon/parts system is convoluted as fuck. Why do you need 4 parts of a specific armor before you get to use any parts of it? What is that Weapons & Energy/Life shit and what’s with bosses having levels?
Even though the upgrade systems are a mess in this game I did like the upgrades themselves. Or the ones I was able to get at least. For example, the Falcon Armor is great, albeit a little overpowered. You can fly in all 8 directions and you’re invincible while doing it to boot. I had a great time with it.
As for the stages, most of them were okay but some of them were just bad and/or frustrating and I wished that Alia would shut the fuck up.
I absolutely despised Volt Kraken’s stage. And the first stage of Zero Space with the instant kill lasers was terrible as well and to top it all off you get to fight Yellow Devil again. One of the worst bosses in the Mega Man series.
On the topic of bosses, they were pretty meh and they took way too many hits to kill. Especially those in the teleporter room. They had some insane health pools and as a result, those fights were extremely tedious.
Damn Falcon Armor is extremely overpowered. You can fly in all 8 directions and you’re invincible while doing it to boot. I had a great time with it.
Fuck those instant kill lasers and to top it all off, Yellow Devil is back too.
Man those bosses in the teleporter room have crazy health pools. That was extremely tedious.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
