Terrible game. All stages are a complete mess and have some extremely frustrating mechanics.
Fuck that Totem Pole level. Fuck the Magma level and fuck those red ring bosses with the green gems in particular. Jesus Christ, whoever thought that was a good idea should be shot. And you don’t fight just one. You have to fight FIVE! of them.
The North Pole, Temple, Recycle Lab and Laser Institute stages were extremely unfun and frustating as well.
The Gate Lab levels were somehow even worse than all the stages that came before it.

The bosses weren’t much better either. The worst offenders being Infinity Mijinion and Gate.
That fight with Gate is probably the worst boss battle I’ve ever encountered in a videogame.

It wasn't all bad though. The soundtrack was good and I did enjoy messing around with the parts. Especially the Jumper and Hyper Dash parts. It was pretty fun to go fast.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
