I wanted to like this game more than I did, I really truly did.

While impressive for a small scale team, ultimately some frustrating aspects of the gameplay really weighed down the experience. The amount of times I took damage from being unable to properly interact with a door or an item.... way too many to count. And what worked in the 90s doesn't always translate well decades later. Understanding this is a call back to that generation of gaming but that doesn't exclude you from improving on that genre. The 6 item limit felt even more cumbersome in this title than it did in the original games of the survival horror genre.

Still, I recommend it for a playthrough if you can get pass those annoyances. The art direction is nothing short of fantastic and really shines, just maybe not enough to outshine the issues.

Reviewed on Oct 27, 2023


7 months ago

you can change the item limit now

7 months ago

Oh bummer, that patch had some really nice quality of life changes! I wish it had come out a week earlier, as having more item spaces and not having the flashlight and camera take up slots would have been a massive change to the overall gameplay loop.