An overall improvement over the first game.

The story is no longer riddled with unnecessary filler and the pacing is much better. I guess the thing that I liked the least is that the mystery is pretty much over about two thirds into the game.

The last third felt like repeating the same ideas over and over with some revelations here and there that ended up falling a bit flat because the player already has the full picture.

I don't think this is necessarily bad, not everything has to have constant plot twists but it did make the game die out a bit for me.

The combat is much better and I appreciated the amount of side content. However I still feel like some of the mechanics like stealth and parkour were way too much on-rails. Why the hell do I need to distract someone with a coin before taking them out when I approach them for behind? Why do I need to inspect my surroundings before attempting to parkour? Why doesn't the game let me run freely during chase sequences like in the older yakuza games?

Still I heavily recommend this game, I might even come back and try to platinum it.

Looking forward to the Kaito files!

Reviewed on Jul 28, 2023
