kinda overrated. there's not as many real choices as the game (and fans of it) might lead you to believe as regardless of the way you approach things, even if you try your hardest to be a pacifist, you're forced to resort to violence so the whole "you have a choice whether to be violent or not" schtick is just bullshit.

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2023


7 months ago

Yep, I feel that tough guys like this game for the meme and the machismo. It's really quite a shit game if you look at it objectively. Feels almost unfinished.

7 months ago

@Spinnerweb exactly my thoughts. very "patrick bateman pfp" type of game.

7 months ago

@zod Lol. If the most appealing part of a game is that you can piss on people, it's not much of a game.

7 months ago

@Spinnerweb oh yeah totes, but the fact the most interesting part about a game is that you get to piss on people is kinda depressing. like, your game isn't really great if the best part about it is literal Piss