i don't really have anything too intelligent to say but I've never read any superhero comics and detest the marvel films but I really enjoyed this! the writing is generally quite nice, except for adam warlock who is intentionally written like he was written by a 14 year old who just discovered alliteration (ive been there) as a joke (?), there's some fun jokes with that but it was somewhat grating to me overall. also the flashbacks to Peter's childhood reads like a non-proofread first draft in a very careless way. set sometime in the 80s but at one point Peter whines about his mother having seen the exorcist (1973) when she was younger than he is (13), which is absolute nonsense unless she was pregnant with a half-alien child at like 14/15. anyway that tangent aside

really enjoyed how seemingly divergent the story is, obvs there's only one main plot but i really felt like all my choices mattered, the lineage of eidos's deus ex experience is somewhat present in the narrative aspects i guess? I've never played them. if more of these mainstream big blockbuster 'action-adventure' games felt as actual works of interactive fiction like this i would def play more of them. combat system might be a mixed bag, i really enjoyed it but also the best way i can describe it is like a turn based rpg series adapting to an action system for the first time, except the turn based system never existed obviously. it's not the most technically/mechanically deep thing ever, but def involved and fun enough that i loved battles.
big complaint is the licenced music choices, they're good but predictable, if this gets a sequel i hope they go out of the box a bit on that front.
loved this enough that i may start reading comic books :0

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2022
