Reviews from

in the past

The darkest of the entire trilogy, and probably the best in terms of atmosphere. Unfortunately, the final boss is a letdown, but back then... damn, what a game it was..

Man this game controls terribly. Sure it was made in 1989 for the Gameboy but Super Mario Land 2 is alot better. Also this hasn't aged well.

Alright, prefacing this with the fact I don't remember much about TTO from my childhood years so this is going in the TTR review. I will say, this is a very nice (although grindy) experience. I like how simple Toontown's gameplay is to get behind and not overcomplicated like Wizard101, the only other kid's MMO I've spent a decent time with- and that simpleness can mean your battles either go super well or super horribly depending on who you're playing with. My big issue with this in general is the fact many, many different tasks require outside help from others rather than being able to solo them. ToonHQ is a great website, but I wish this was more like W101 where you can kinda just queue ingame easily- and you're really going to need the help too. I got to The Brrrgh, which I'd call this game's "filtering point" (even if there was one earlier regarding getting a whole cream pie) and it feels nearly impossible to go through without the extra help from others. I just wish this game didn't assign some RIDICULOUS tasks sometimes as it'd be much more solo-friendly. I do think the community is neat though even if I've had some times people were rude to me for little justifiable reason. Just glad this game from my childhood is back and has a pretty active presence online.

Many things that can make horror or thriller game very tense to play. Quite a lot of it come into play in forcing your mind to shift gears into survival mode, and at the same time making your heart race. Some examples are supportive songs, the appearance of surprising foreign elements, the difficulty of finding ammunition for weapons, and the inability to fight back. This last thing is used by Soma, a horror game from the developer who also made the Amnesia series.

Soma uses a game form that is almost similar to Amnesia. In this game, you do not have the ability to fight back against threats posed by “ghosts” or your enemies. Instead, the main concept is to avoid enemies by hiding. Not having the ability to shoot and attack enemies means you have to always be aware of your surroundings. The tense situation shown in Soma is also fully supported by a fairly high quality graphic display. The dark and chaotic atmosphere shown in the game can be well represented through the game screen. Likewise with the lighting effects. This effect makes a big contribution in emphasizing the dark conditions and at the same time brings out the natural fear of the dark that you may have.

The story of Soma begins with an accident experienced by Simon Jarrett, the main character in this game and the person you control later, which causes him to lose his girlfriend and leaves him with permanent brain damage. At one point, he was offered a kind of neurological treatment that claimed to heal his brain. Simon certainly didn't miss this attractive offer. It turned out that the "doctor" he met to provide treatment had not even graduated and he was just offering some kind of discovery that was used for his thesis. Using just trial and error, Simon finally sat on a machine designed by an ungraduated doctor and ended up waking up in a strange and dark place.

Exploring a world that is dark and has threats that can come at any time is the only way to complete the game. To do that, you will be equipped with several game features that are quite interesting and interactive. The most interesting example of your interaction with the environment is the way you open doors and activate various levers. You have to hold down the left mouse click while swinging it towards the open door. Likewise with levers or levers to open various reinforced doors. The opportunity to interact with other objects is not limited to that. You can also find quite sad or cruel moments with it. For example, when you need to restore the power source to run the train. It turns out that the electricity you need is used by the injured person to survive with the help of machines. What's worse, you already know this person well enough thanks to the various voice messages you encountered on the way there. When you pull the power source from the engine its using so that it can flow to the train you want to run, it will be in pain and beg in fear so that the power source is not removed.

The sound effects in this game clearly get more attention. Not only the location can be determined by sound, especially if you use high-end sound equipment, but there are also many variations. Sometimes you can hear the sound of a metal pipe falling at the end of the hall, steam leaking, or just a trickle of water. This game's ability to make the game very quiet and then insert a surprising sound can get your adrenaline pumping. To support your ability to hide, this game provides the ability to peek from hiding places. So by using the peek function, you do not reveal all parts of your body to see the enemy's position. Because, there are several enemies who can make the game screen chaotic just because they look at you. Often the best way to avoid enemies is to run as fast as possible. Most enemies will not chase you if they get blocked by a door.

One very important thing to remember in this game is the need to improve your memory skills. Because, this game doesn't provide a map at all. If you are moving in narrow areas, such as corridors and rooms, this does not have much of an effect. It's different when you move in a wide area in the middle of the dark. The only clue is the lights in the distance, whether it's your target or the enemy's lights. So if you're a dumbass like me that always had memory loss every 10 seconds then just be more aware of your surrounding while playing this.

One thing that is unfortunate is the lack of risk involved when meeting an enemy since this is a game that requires you to hide and run in order to avoid them. Enemy attacks do not immediately cause game over. It turns out you can still move away from an enemy after one hit, with the penalty of screen blurring. This condition can be cured by finding a strange device that is half machine and half biological. After that, you can freely return to your adventure.

After replaying it i can safely say Soma is my favorite horror/thriller game for now, one that initially gives a very tense atmosphere. However, after playing for a while, you will concentrate more on finding puzzle pieces and finding out the story this game has. Truth to be told the ending still broke me even after replaying it, such an ending like this is one of if not the most unexpected thing from Soma. It must be admitted that the lack of penalties given to enemies when they attack you makes this game less scary. However, that doesn't mean its gripping nuances can't make your heart beat fast, especially when you play it alone in the middle of the night with lights off.

Veeery gorgeous, but dear god i had no idea what i was doing or why i was doing it the whole time. the controls were also eh and i wish there was an autoswim toggle. i might have enjoyed it more if i were in the same mindset and as young as when i played Journey for the first time butttttt (:

Really really beautiful graphics and the environments are so wallpaper material. It’s a very cute game to play with friends :) all the little interactions you can do w your friends like hugging and holding hands is like the most genius thing you could ever put in a video game. Finally I can bridal carry my friends against their will. Unfortunately when you’re past Eden for the first time it is much of the same and it is very unfriendly to f2p or casual players. It’s cute if you want to hang out with your friends and mess around but yeah.

Great roster of cars amazing customization, the playlists were all entertaining and had a lot of variety to them, the island of Hawaii was a great choice for a map, however this game feels like it’s missing something

Das niedliche aussehnde Spiel verbirgt ein knallhartes Souls like unter der harten Schale.
Der Look und eine Menge Wortspiele mit Krabben und dem Meer plus Anspielungen auf andere Spiele und Vorbilder machen Another Crab's Treasure zu einem gelungenen Souls like mit erfrischend neuem Twist.
Die Shell Mechanik funktioniert wirklich gut und bietet neue Spielstile die alle paar Minuten nette Kniffe reinbringen. Allerdings ist das Spiel geplagt von Performance Schwierigkeiten, janky Gameplay und einigen Bugs die so in einer Vollversion eines Spiels(auch wenn es Indie ist) nicht vorkommen sollten.
Die Bosse sind ok, aber allesamt zu vernachlässigen.
Obwohl der Look, wie oft erwähnt zwar recht schön ist - die Grafik ist nicht gut und teilweise echt miserabel. Die Level sind zwar so gebaut das man durchaus einige Geheimnisse finden kann, aber durch die komischen Texturen und Assets weiß man nie genau ob man grade in Begriff ist out of Bounce zu laufen.
Trotzdem macht das Spiel ne Menge Spaß und die Geschichte ist erstaunlich gut geschrieben. Krill ist einfach witzig und seine Reise ist spannend mitzuerleben. Ich kanns empfehlen

Very cool simulation game, not my cup of tea tho

All Elite Wrestling “Where the best wrestle” but clearly not where the best games come from.

Off the top I have to say that I am a fan of AEW. Been a wrestling fan for a long time and whilst AEW is not perfect its creation in 2019 was the breath of fresh air I and many wrestling fans needed.
WWE has never gone away and much like we see in any industry, when one company is clearly in the lead they get cocky, they’re too relaxed and the product starts to suffer.
Sure there are alternatives, I kept up with multiple UK independent promotions before WWE ruined many of them and I was well acquainted with New Japan and other US based promotions growing in the shadows.
Surviving off of these promotions as a fan though wasn’t quite enough, it’d be like using itch as your only source of gaming, plenty of good stuff but you’d be missing that “bite” of something with a bigger budget.

Now wrestling aside, what AEW coming into existence and thriving meant was eventually we would get another wrestling game that had money behind it. Years of very average WWE 2K games had passed, each feeling more or less the same if not worse, and none ever catching the enjoyment of (rose-tinted glasses fully on) No Mercy and the Smackdown games of the earlier Playstations.

AEW: Fight Forever sounded great on paper, Kenny Omega one of the top stars of the promotion and avid gaming nerd lead the charge in the public facing realm and he spoke up everything wrestling and wrestling game fans were wanting.
A little less simulation, a bit more arcade, bringing in people who worked on the legendary No Mercy but with modern sensibilities. It was going to be perfect.

Delay after delay and Fight Forever eventually hits the shelves and well, it stinks.

The basic grappling mechanics, the different fighting types and the styling of the N64 was there.
It just feels so basic, and old. Perhaps it was a monkey paw situation?
Graphically it looks fine, the character models are slightly more “arcadey” and exaggerated, in comparison to the WWE games it looks worse but arguably has a little more soul.
Everything around it however also looks worse, the crowd, the weapons and effects it all feels so trimmed back.

If you’re not a wrestling fan this may not bother you, but the roster is out-of-date and it was at launch.
This is always going to happen with contracts expiring, wrestlers retiring etc. but this was noticeable then and even worse now even with the potential for DLC additions.

As the game is not on Playstation’s “Essential” tier level of the online service I decided to give this another go, take a wrestler through the campaign of “Road to the Elite” and this is where I, a person who is not a fan of the WWE 2K games, was even more disappointed.
The campaigns in the 2K games are very silly but fun, a good bit of voice acting and however stupid a real story arc.
Road to the Elite does have multiple choices and paths you can take but the story is so simple and each block feels mostly unconnected that you are never invested. The comedy is also somehow worse.
It almost feels like the developers spent more time researching what food your wrestler can eat in each town more than building a narrative.

One thing Fight Forever boasts is a slew of mini-games and I am going to be simple and straight with you here, they are also trash. I had an ok time doing a short quiz, and some spot the difference, but any of the games which involved moving a wrestler round in the usual fashion, perhaps collecting coins or throwing bombs just felt crap and random - like the very worst stages of a Mario Party.

I understand wanting a unique selling point, but I wish they had used the resources elsewhere and the game had me feeling this at many points. Information in the campaign, spotlights for content creators, more music than you’ll ever get to appreciate. Fight Forever feels like the case of too many cooks.

An added USP that this title has added since release is the Stadium Stampede mode and is perhaps why they seemingly are wanting to get this on to the subscriptions services as it’s a Battle Royale mode. Not to be confused with the match type.

Stadium Stampede mode has 30 players online, running around a full stadium, collecting weapons, power-ups and even getting to ride horses and golf carts.
It has your typical closing circle and a variety of free-for-all and team choices.
As far as my time with Fight Forever goes, this is where I had the most fun, but do not be mistaken. It’s not good.
At this point it’s more a wrestling skin on a really underbaked Fortnite rip-off and we’ve already had a far more detailed wrestling themed Battle Royale live and die in Rumbleverse.
This mode has all the starting blocks here, some variation, upgrade trees for replayability, simple controls and silly things to keep even the most casual gamer amused but it all feels, like the main game, so stripped back and quite cheap.

Sadly the dream of a new big money wrestling game to contend with 2K and for rising tides to lift all ships is just that, a dream, for now.
AEW is five years old now as a company and it has released many other video games including Fight Forever, but each of them makes the awful tasting pill that is this game even harder to swallow. They’re all mobile, gacha, gambling, ugly cash-ins with the latest potentially having NFTs?
What a mess.
Take me back to that moment where Kenny Omega first announced AEW Games on YouTube where I was feeling positive and that something good was coming because I can’t see going back.

AEW: Fight Forever? More like AEW: Shite Forever!

beautiful graphics great racing gameplay, it was lacking a good story mode

Challenging racer, great visual, nailed the retro racing feel

My favorite racing game series of all time it really had everything

i would love to play this game again i had a lot done on the game

I went to my cousin's house so I didn't have to fly to another country and spend money to use the real controls. And I found out I'm ass >:(

Great customization colossal map, a lot of gameplay variety, but the handling was off

The best Call of Duty game, that isn’t a Call of Duty game, we’ve had in years. Stupid, mindless, arcadey FPS fun. That’s all I was expecting out of this game, and on that front it delivers. But please, PLEASE remove bunny hopping…

Ridiculamente desafiador pra quem não é acostumado com jogos de corrida ou jogos da época, mas as músicas e a vibe são fantásticas.

Obs. Tive que fazer 3 saves pro Gran Prix, não consegui terminar com o carro que usa drift, cheguei nas semis mas depois disso não rolou... só consegui zerar com grip. É a vida, Gg.


(誘惑上等 どんと来い…… いちず侍、ここに見参!)

大事な人 い・ち・ずに

何人だ 何十人だ

「男は悶々 紋白蝶 花粉撒く定めさ」


吸われて揉まれて何をされても 揺るがぬ純情
誘惑上等 どんと来い 俺はい・ち・ず・侍

Me lo pasé al 100% en PC y lo rejugué en la Switch, es actualmente mi juego favorito, las canciones son preciosas y combinan perfecto con la mecánica de cada nivel, si estas en un estado emocional bajo y sin ganas de jugar nada, este juego es la solución, no sabia que hacer con mi estado anímico, llegó este juego a mi vida y sin exagerar me hizo llorar más de una vez, tiene muchas ideas pero poco tiempo para usarlas ya que el juego dura solo una hora y te lo puedes pasar en una noche (depresiva).

In no way is it a bad game, but even though it still looks stunning by today's standards and the storyline is the most interesting, at least for me, the atmosphere didn't make me want to explore Gotham City. The futurism really broke my immersion... That said, the Batman trilogy is truly close to my heart and I think it always will be.

Yeah, even Williem Dafoe couldn't help this one...