Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

released on Mar 03, 2021

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

released on Mar 03, 2021

A quirky, absolutely content-packed, destructible open-world sandbox adventure with combat, platforming, character customization, and collect-a-thon scavenger hunt experience. Play solo, 2-player split screen, or online co-op for up to 4 players. No paid cosmetic DLC nonsense.

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I'm not sure what this game thinks it is, but if I was 12 this would have blown my mind. As it stands, I am 30 or 40 years old and I don't have time for this. Somehow both confusing and boring, feels like absolute dogshit to control, the attempts at humor are mostly way off, and it's a little racist to boot.

It functions and I had a good time showing it to people for about an hour, but that's the best I can say about it.

Do not recommend.

The story of Bang-On Balls is one of misplaced energy. There has clearly been a lot of effort put into this game; the levels are vast, intricately designed and absolutely jam packed with secrets and collectibles. The amount of character customisation is also pretty wild; in general, the scope of this game is impressive stuff.

But it feels like that scale came at the price of... well, everything else. It's kinda hard to describe what you actually do in this game, because it's just... nothing? I guess there's a spot of ultra-light platforming here, and a trivial puzzle or two there, but the majority of the loop here seems to be "bumble around until we say you can stop". The combat in particular is utterly dreadful. Despite enemies and bosses all having fully fleshed out attacks, animations and movesets, the best and only way to kill anything at this game is to spam dash at it until you or it stops moving: there's no consequence for player death, you just respawn nearby. The combat ends up being another place where it feels like the devs just put their effort into the wrong things.

It also feels like developing all the fluff in this game left basically no time for testing, because this is one hell of a buggy game. I played through this with two friends, and the friend playing on Steam Deck suffered about one full engine crash per play session; im not sure I've ever played a steam game thats crashed so hard that the engine generated a bug report. We also all had at least one incident where either an enemy or piece of terrain clipped us and sent us so high into the sky it took literal minutes to fall back down. There are plenty of lesser glitches too; multiple instances of the same object spawning and clipping into each other, music turning off for seemingly no reason, major frame rate drops in areas that seem no more complex than anywhere else. The technical issue that bothered me most of all was the atrocious responsiveness of the dash button; it would sometimes take 4 or 5 clicks for the game to register the input, and this game expects you to be dashing constantly.

So... I don't recommend this one. It's a shame, because it's clear that an awful lot of effort has gone into this, but it just hasnt resulted in a cohesive product. What with its overall fart-heavy tone and Polandball theming, this feels like something that started as a short shitpost game but then spiralled out of control. But the end product is remarkably unengaging for how zany and colourful (and sometimes a bit yikesy, especially in the Japan level) it can all get. If a game made both friends and I zone out completely more than once, and made us feel relieved when we didnt have to play it any more, then unfortunately I'd say that game has failed.

So much better than it has any right to be. Amazing, vast levels that are all densely packed with stuff to do but at no point do any of them feel too big or annoying to find collectables. Just really amazing stuff

Provavelmente ser tão parecido com um meme velho é a pior parte de Bang-On Balls: Chronicles e um tremendo desserviço a tudo que o time da Exit Plan colocou aqui. Ele não vai ser seu novo jogo favorito, ou o novo grande jogo de plataforma 3D que vai ficar pra história, nada disso — esses títulos ficam para as propostas sérias e as grandes aventuras de salvar o mundo. Aqui você vai desligar a cabeça, virar uma bola, rolar pelos sete mares e matar um kraken só na porrada. Tudo isso enquanto você veste uma roupa de batata frita e uma tatuagem de dragão oriental. E vai ser uma das mais idiotas e divertidas experiências que vai ter em 2023. É só deixar rolar que você vai ver o que estou falando.
