Bonze Adventure

Bonze Adventure

released on Feb 01, 1988

Bonze Adventure

released on Feb 01, 1988

The player controls a Buddhist monk, Bonze Kackremboh. His weapons are Buddhist prayer beads, called "mala" beads, which can be powered up until they become almost as large as the player. The monk battles snakes, giant eyeballs, ghosts and other enemy creatures.

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It feels like a very slowed down Ghosts 'n Goblins. The visuals are a mixed bag of detailed sprites and dull backgrounds and the gameplay is also middling and repetitive. It has some charm, but not enough to carry the flaws.

o problema da Taito era fazer jogos longos onde em certo ponto já era pra ter subido os créditos
amo esse jogo, meu primeiro contato com folclore japonês foi aqui
um excelente jogo, porém lá pra reta final do game você sente que ele já era pra ter acabado

played on ps2

Wouldve powered through to the end out of stubbornness but on the sixth level I apparently died in a strange place and got a "Start Position Error" and the game froze. Incredible

Just dully one of the worst games I've ever played. Slow and plodding, obviously designed to munch your hard earned quarters, has ass platforming, and is just uninteresting in almost every way. The fourth level's neat tho, it's a lake of blood with no music and a constant churning sound effect that creates a cool atmosphere. Single slight brightspot. Also was funny how broken it is, outside of the aforementioned position error there were a number of times I clipped into a wall by just walking at it weird.

Olha, apesar de eu achar aquele discurso de que games têm que ser analisados holisticamente em vez de se tentar colocar gameplay, história, música e etc em caixinhas distintas, tem obras que nem sempre essa abordagem vai ser justa ou interessante, por claramente se focarem ou destacarem num aspecto específico. Bonze Adventure é um. Ele não é lá um platformer muito bom no que tange o platforming, mas tem uma ambientação tão intrigante e original, com uma jornada pelo submundo budista que o torna num equivalente asiático de Divina Comédia que realmente vale a pena pelo menos experimentar.