Cobalt Core

released on Nov 08, 2023

A sci-fi roguelike deckbuilder with a deep new single-axis spin on tactics games! Dodge missiles, line up your cannons, and blast 'em out of the sky... Then get to the bottom of these time loops, before it's too late!

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For a run based game with multiple characters, the runs themselves often end up feeling very similar. The drip feed of story is well done and does help differentiate the game. And I do actually enjoy the mix of card gameplay with ship tactics, it just feels a bit thin quicker than I would have hoped.

One of my go to steam deck games. Although not as deep as some deck builders I’ve played, everything in this game was seemingly made with care, especially the meta progression post run.

Great design, cool characters. Just didnt sink its teeth into me like some similar games have

This is another deckbuilder I can manage. It's not the most complicated game, but there's a lot here to make fun builds off of. Playing in tandem with Balatro and there's a lot to enjoy in both the titles.
The vibe of Cobalt Core is spot-on. The music is excellent, and all of the remarks of the team you choose are hilarious. The game is fun too, I find that there's a lot to get out of this game if you want it to be super hard, and vice versa. Great!

I've logged a few wins under my belt at this point and feel like it's safe to say that if you liked slay the spire you should play this. It's more complex tactically and uses the (very good) Hades trick of tying story progression to wins in the game.

Un roguelite deckbuilder fantástico que incorpora mecánicas propias con las habituales del género y ofrece una experiencia totalmente única y divertidísima.

Quizá le falta un poquito más de variedad en las runs. El bucle jugable es muy muy bueno, pero todas las partidas acaban siendo tan parecidas (más allá de cambios en las builds particulares de cada una) que da sensación de haberlo visto todo antes de realmente haberlo visto. Quizá, si hay alguna expansión o contenido adicional más adelante, lo revisite.

También esconde una historia sorprendentemente profunda y personajes muy simpáticos con interacciones muy divertidas, cosa que no esperaba y me ha sorprendido muy gratamente.

Si sois fans del género, dadle una oportunidad porque merece muchísimo la pena.


A fantastic roguelite deckbuilder that incorporates its own unique mechanics to the usual tropes of the genre and offers a completely unique and very fun experience.

It perhaps lacks a bit of variation in runs. The gameplay loop is very, very good, but all the runs end up being so similar (beyond changes in the particular builds for each one) that it feels like you've seen it all even if you haven't. Perhaps, if they release an expansion or additional content later, I'll revisit it.

It also hides a surprisingly deep story and very charming characters with really fun banter, which I didn't expect and really surprised me in a good way.

If you're fans of the genre, give it a chance, because it's absolutely worth it.