Cyborg Justice

Cyborg Justice

released on Feb 12, 1993

Cyborg Justice

released on Feb 12, 1993

You are a member of the Galatic Unity Agency on routine patrol in deep space when your patrol ship is damaged after accidently passing through a meteor storm and starts to lose control, smashing into a nearby planet and blacking out. The next thing you remember you are rummaging through scrap metal and welding together steel to make parts for weapons. You have become a cyborg slave in a munitions factory for the Cydrek Federation, a twisted machine with a human brain, unable to comprehend your situation, clouded by cybernetic programming until one day your human side finally starts to break through. You remember everything and realize that the Cydrek Federation is building an army to take on the G.U.A. and you must stop it. You must take on the entire Federation using your new cybernetic body and stop them from taking over the universe.

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You can take enemy parts off their active bodies and attach them to yourself! Amazing

A very clunky and mediocre beat em up. Nothing notable here with the music, grpahics and controls. The customizable cyborgs may be up some peoples alleys, but definitely not mine. An unimpressive game that can be skipped.

Cyborg Justice to me feels like a video game that escaped a cartoon character's universe and was sold in the real world, like you could see them having a game as generic sounding as "Cyborg Justice" that's just robots beating the shit out of other robots.

But despite how generic it sounds, it actually fucking rules. This is a beat'em up with an incredibly diverse move-set for something on the Sega Genesis which only has three buttons on the standard controller. You've got punches, you've got uppercuts, you've got arm rips, you've got blocks and the ability to backpedal while blocking, and can even do press slams into fucking powerbombs once you get the control down and start memorizing all the inputs. The even bigger deal about this game though, at least for me, is the ability to build the robot that you play as at the start of the game. Stuff like that which sparks any kind of creativity out of me as a kid was the absolute shit, and would continue on later with Armored Core. The reality of this starting screen though is that it's actually more like your starting loadout, because at any point you can steal other robot's parts. It's a pretty clever way to allow the player to mix things up as they go since constantly fighting other robots can get pretty monotonous after a while.

That's probably the only thing I have against the game aside from the bland backgrounds, the CPU robot opponents do get old after a while especially since they're not particularly smart. They always tend to go for the body charge attack at mid-range, which is just an easy invite to go over and punch them to stun and then go for the amputation attacks. The bosses are also always the same dude who goes offscreen to throw projectiles across the ground and spam amputation attacks if you get too close, aside from the "maniacal brain" final boss who shoots lasers at you to test your fluidity at controlling your robot.

I think the funniest thing about the game actually is the random missiles that fire from the side the screen while you're walking to the next fight. They're just completely inexplicable, and they can actually hit the CPU opponents and I remember quite a few times where the CPU would spawn directly in front of them and instantly explode and get OHKO'd by them at least in the early stages.

Despite it's repetitiveness and flaws though, I can't help but think that Cyborg Justice is just the coolest shit ever. More games with robots beating the shit out of eachother pls. And yes, I know technically they actually ARE cyborgs since they have human brains, but still.

Oh yeah, this game also has co-op btw, oodles of fun to be had trying to figure the game's moves out with a friend. There's even a move to reassemble your friend after they've been knocked out! This game's fucking insane!

Listen to this bop tho.

It's made by the people who made Ecco the Dolphin, so that's not a big surprise. Cyborg Justice is a beat 'em up game featuring giant power-walking robots. Gameplay-wise, the game has a ton of available moves, multiple difficulty levels, and a two-player mode. The game's main feature is the ability to destroy enemy cyborgs, swap the part of their cybernetic bodies to use for yourself. Graphics are only ever decent, the UI looks incomplete or prototypal and the backgrounds are forgettable, but the game makes it all up with some of the smoothest animations we've seen on the system. Cyborg Justice had mixed reviews at release, magazines ranked it anywhere from 30 to 89. As for us, Cyborg Justice feels what could have been the greatest beat 'em up on the system, and is definitely worth a playthrough despite its apparent lack of polish.

That torso looks really nice...can I borrow it? Forever?