Great Swordsman

Great Swordsman

released on Jun 01, 1984

Great Swordsman

released on Jun 01, 1984

In Great Swordsman, one or two players can play while taking turns. Players control with two-way joystick and three buttons with different hit levels. Each for creating different level attacks. Like in Data East's Karate Champ, buttons must be held. If they are released, the players' characters will revert to their standing animation. Moves can be defended against by intercepting the players' opponents' weapons with the players'. The object of the game is to land a hit on the opponent or push him/her off the mat to score a point. There are fifteen levels with three different modes. The first three are fencing, the next five are kendo, and the final seven are gladiator-based. After clearing all levels in one mode, the "VICTORY SCORE" will be added to the players' scores, even if any of them was tied with their opponents at the end. After fifteen levels are completed, the players start over in a higher difficulty setting and repeat after the next fifteen levels are also cleared. There are also bonus levels where players must deflect arrows to score extra points.

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The hitstop freeze frame and thunderous applause when you take a rapier through the face is so funny.

Num ano ano dominado por games de luta de artes marciais (Karateka, Kung-Fu Master, Yie Ar Kung-Fu...), a Taito se destaca com a proposta de um joguinho de luta de espadas. São três modalidades diferentes: esgrima, kendo e jogos gladiatoriais. Enquanto os dois primeiros parecem ser ambientados em tempos contemporâneos, dentro de um contexto esportivo, a terceira modalidade é ambientada na própria Roma Antiga. Em todos os casos, as lutas se encerram com um único golpe. O primeiro a acertar o oponente ganha um ponto (ou, no caso dos gladiadores, a luta, com a implicação de que o oponente morreu ou está ferido demais para continuar).

É um jogo com bem mais nuances do que possa parecer a princípio. Como tudo é decidido em um único golpe, a mínima abertura é o suficiente para terminar uma partida e tentar enganar seu oponente, fingindo que vai atacar no alto mas mudando a direção para o meio ou coisa do tipo é a chave para o sucesso. Demora para pegar o jeito, mas é bem divertido, principalmente as lutas gladiatoriais.

Early one on one fighting game that switches between fencing, kendo, and gladiators. Each mode basically plays the same with you having three buttons, one that sets your weapons in the middle, one high, one low, being in the right stance can block attacks and holding the button performs an attack. Head, chest, and legs can be hit, harder hits can knock off helmets, hitting each other can award points to both or cause a rematch, if either is pushed too far back the round resets to the center. Fun game, amusing sound and voice effects. Fencings works and looks the best, kendo is alright, the gladiator rounds are just awkward. When you win the game resets but at a faster speed, which actually made the fencing rounds look even better.
