Mars After Midnight

Mars After Midnight

released on Mar 12, 2024

Mars After Midnight

released on Mar 12, 2024

A Playdate game by the Indie developer Lucas Pope, known for games such as Return of the Obra Dinn and Papers Please

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Mars After Midnight oozes charm. The atmosphere, the character designs, the music, the sound effects, the attention to detail. I loved everything about it, except playing it.

I understand this is a simple game, possibly aimed at children, but I found the core gameplay loop very unsatisfying. There is no skill or nuance involved whatsoever, at the beginning of a session it may take a moment or two to figure out exactly what you're looking for, and then the rest of the evening plays out exactly the same. It's beyond trivial.

For the first few of sessions the game's incredible presentation was enough while I waited for some escalation of stakes or complexity, but that escalation never comes. The final session is as simple as the first, and when I reached the credits of the game I just felt relieved.

This game may just not be for me. I can totally understand loving it simply for how great it looks and sounds, and the subtle humour throughout. The designs of the various aliens are truly spectacular. I am a fan of other Lucas Pope games, I'm not sure if that made me feel more or less generous with this game. I know I really wanted to love it, but the initial charm wore off quickly and I was left with only boredom.

Initially was a little disappointed in how simple this game was, I really wanted the decisions to be more involved as the game went on. But overall I had a great time, and when I read that Pope designed this with his kids in mind it made more sense to me. The art and music are among the best the Playdate has shown so far and the amount of charm this game has overwrites any shortcomings.

My first Lucas Pope game! I enjoyed it, in particular the details for the players paying close attention.

Lucas Pope's minor project is still pretty damn good! It's real charming, the mechanics can get a little rote, but there's enough variety from session to session and the artwork is charming, the worldbuilding is fun, it takes you through. He basically made a funny Papers Please for his kids, and I enjoyed making my way through it, it's got a few great surprises throughout and doesn't overstay its welcome. Yabba dabba doo!

Lucas Pope revient avec un concept proche de Papers, Please mais finalement assez éloigné pour ne pas être juste une vague transposition. Loin de l'ambiance oppressante de son prédécesseur, Mars After Midnight installe un univers bon enfant, dénué de tout stress et qui stimule l'imagination.
L'écosystème limité que représente la Playdate est exploité comme peu de jeux l'ont fait jusqu'à maintenant, avec des animations soignées, des effets sonores qui claquent, des musiques super cool et une utilisation de la manivelle simple mais totalement raccord avec les actions exécutées à l'écran.
La boucle de gameplay, décomposée en une poignée d'étapes, devient vite familière et assez monotone dans son déroulé, mais sa force réside dans ses trouvailles : on prend plaisir à chaque fois à découvrir les tronches des Martiens (générées en partie de façon procédurale) qui viennent toquer à notre porte et quelles caractéristiques il va falloir observer ou déceler pour réussir notre mission. On s'amuse comme des enfants, finalement, et le jeu leur est tout autant destiné, le texte ayant une place minime au sein de l'aventure.
La narration est épurée, elle passe grandement par l'observation de l'environnement, par les saynètes qui ponctuent notre partie et par notre responsabilité en tant que gérant d'un centre communautaire. On devine et imagine certaines choses, et cela suffit amplement.
Une petite partie de 10 ou 15 minutes par jour, et on arrive au bout assez rapidement. Le challenge est totalement absent du jeu, il n'y a pas vraiment à gérer des ressources ou des évènements dangereux, Lucas Pope ayant tout misé sur le plaisir de la découverte, et à raison.

simple but fulfilling puzzle/story game on the Playdate