Mega Man X7

released on Jul 17, 2003

The plot of Mega Man X7 takes place in the 22nd century, during an age when humans coexist with humanoid robots called "Reploids". As some Reploids participate in violent and destructive crime, a police organization called the "Maverick Hunters" has been established to stamp out this activity. Maverick crime is rising in newly constructed cities. As this new crime wave hits, X retires, tired from the never-ending battles. A new group of vigilantes, Red Alert, is introduced. One of their members, Axl, decides he has had enough of their "murdering" and tries to leave the group. Red, the group's leader, is angered by Axl deserting, and goes on a rampage to get Axl back.

Also in series

Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X
Mega Man: Maverick Hunter X
Mega Man X8
Mega Man X8
Mega Man X: Command Mission
Mega Man X: Command Mission
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero
Mega Man X6
Mega Man X6

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Beaten with all items and reploids rescued. Played via Mega Man X Legacy Collection 2 on PC.

The 3D combat whiffs as expected—the game only uses the right stick to answer calls on your radio—but at least you can abuse the MMX moveset and extra 3D space to circumvent most of the bad stuff. What you can't dash-jump around is the bad voice acting (which only reaches Mega Man 8/X4 "so bad it's good" levels during a single boss fight), unskippable cutscenes that repeat when you die, or its restrictive upgrade system. I can picture a Mega Man X game working in 3D, but this isn't it.

Tosco, tudo nesse jogo parece errado. É uma pena que essa saga incrível tenha um jogo tão mediocre.

After the dramatic catastrophe of 9/11, this game takes the baton to become one of the worst games ever created in human history, It's needless to say this game is the origin of some of my anger issues, the game is NOT fun thanks to It's disgusting level design and controls, the boss battles stinks in every possible way and the VA is horrendous to the point I would gladly earrape my ears and lose the ability to hear just to never experience the voice casting of this game ever in my life.

💀 When you thought Crapcom might had learnt their lesson with X6, they decided to make a masterpiece of a trash game, Crapcom at It's finest making another Slop game, it shouldn't surprise anyone at this point.

Axl is like the 9/11 of mega man

X6 vs X7 is a great candidate to describe why bad controls are more crippling than bad level design. X6 had awful levels, but the game still controlled tightly enough, and there was at least some enjoyment to be had in it. X7 on the other hand, controls like hot trash, while the levels are almost tolerable. The better levels do absolutely nothing to redeem this ultimately broken and awful game. It's straight up on the level of the DOS games.

I know most people don't like this one I actually think it is decent definitely a improvement from mega man X6.